GNM 1st Year Syllabus, Free PDF, Best Books & Author- 2025

To Carry a good score in gnm nursing 1st year, it needs to be read from the updated gnm 1st Year syllabus 2025. This exam chooses candidates for training for nurses, Midwives, & health visitors.

Here, we mentioned all subjects in the gnm 1st Year syllabus like Anatomy, physiology, microbiology, Nutrition & Fundamentals of Nursing, etc. topic-wise.

GNM Nursing Syllabus Details 2025

Topic NameDownload in PDF
GNM 1st Year Syllabus PdfDownload Now
Name of the AuthorityIndian Nursing Council
CourseGNM (general nursing & midwifery) Nursing
CategoryGNM Exam Syllabus
GNM 1st Year Syllabus
Complete GNM 1st Year Syllabus PDF With Free Download Link-2025

Short description of gnm nursing first Year syllabus

Serial NoCommunity Health Nursing-
1. Community Health Nursing-I
2. Environmental Hygiene
3. Health Education & Communication Skills
4. Nutrition
IBiological Sciences-
1. Anatomy & Physiology
2. Microbiology
• 90
IIBehavioural Sciences-
1. Psychology
2. Sociology

• 40
IIIFundamentals of Nursing-
1. Fundamentals of Nursing
2. First Aid
IvCommunity Health Nursing-
1. Community Health Nursing-I
2. Environmental Hygiene
Health Education & Communication Skills
4. Nutrition
• 80
vEnglish 30
Total study time575

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GNM Nursing 1st Year Notes PDF Unit-Wise Available

Anatomy and Physiology Gnm 1st Year Syllabus


• Introduction to the Anatomical terms

Anatomical terms, systems of the human body, cavity


• Structure of the Body

Structure, function & reproduction of cell; Function, structure, types, gland, including tissue membrane, body cavity, contents.


• Blood

Composition, formation, function, blood grouping, cross matching, clotting, the product of blood & uses.


• The Circulatory System

The circulatory system, Heart- Structure, function, conduction system, and cardiac cycle. Blood vessels: i) structure ii) types & position, blood circulation, pulses, blood pressure.


• The Lymphatic System

Function, Structure of lymph vessels, spleen. Lymphatic tissue, lymph nodes, lymph circulation and thymus.


• The Respiratory System

Function, the structure of respiratory organ; different characteristics of normal respiratory & deviation, respiration behind physiology.


• The Digestive System

Elementary canals’ function & structure, Absorption, digestion & metabolism of the food content process.


• The Excretory System

Kidney, Bladder, uterus, urinary, and urethra’s structure & function; Composition, formation of urine, regulation of body temperature, structure & the function of the skin, fluid, and electrolyte balance.


• The Endocrine System

Structure and function of Pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal gland, & ovaries & testes.


• The Reproductive System

Function & Structure of a female reproductive system, the process of reproduction, menstrual cycle, menopause; functions & structure of the breast, male reproductive system, reproduction health.


• The Nervous System

Function, Structure, types of the nerves, spinal cord, automatic nervous system, cranial nerves, brain, motor & sensory pathways of the spinal cord.


• The Sense Organs

Skin, ear, eye, nose, tongue; physiology of taste, touch, smell, vision, hearing & equilibrium.


• The Skeleton System

The formation, and growth of the bone; tendons, ligaments, cartilages, movement of joints, joints & bones classification, appendicular, axial skeleton.


• The Muscular System

Structure, types, origin, action, insertion, & function of the muscle.

Microbiology Gnm 1st Year Syllabus


Introduction to Microbiology

  1. History of Microbiology
  2. History of Bacteriology
  3. Scope of Microbiology in Nursing


• Micro-Organisms

Classification & the Characteristics of Size, Structure, Methods, & Rate of Reproduction. microbes study method, body normal flora, microbes isolation & culture.


• Infection & its Transmission

Infection types & structure, nosocomial infections, Mechanism of Resistance, & The reaction of the Body to Infection, Specimens collection, The Transmission Cycle of Infection Portal of Entry, Exit, and Modes of Transfer.


• Immunity

Types of immunity- a) acquired, b) innate; Immunoprophylaxis(vaccine, sera, etc.), Immunization schedule, Autoimmunity & Hypersensitivity, Principles of Serological Tests & uses.


• Control and destruction of Microbes

The principles & the method of the microbial controls are- 1. Sterilization; 2. Disinfection; 3. Chemotherapy & antibiotics; 4. Pasteurization; Waste Management & Bio-safety, Surgical & Medical Asepsis.


• Practical Microbiology

Parts, handling care & uses of the microscope, observation of the staining technique, Identifications of the Common Microbes Under the Microscope For Morphology of the Different Microbes.

Psychology Gnm 1st Year Syllabus



Definition, Nature, Scope of Psychology, Importance of Psychology for the Nurses.


• Structure of Mind

1. Conscious, Pre-conscious; 2. ego, Id, and superego.


• Psychology of Human Behavior

Basic human needs & motivation drive, body-mind relationship, mental health, emotional control, Psychological problems of the patient & relative, natural sources, types of conflicts & stress;

Unit- 4

• Learning

Types, Nature, and laws of learning; factors affecting memory, forgetting; thinking, reasoning, observation, prescription.



Nature, Meaning, Type, and Development of the Personality; Assessment, the importance of knowing the nurse’s personality. Characteristics of the Various age Groups like; will & character.


Observation & Preparation

Definition, nature, individual difference, meaning, development, & mental ability of intelligence; Assessment of the Intelligent.

Sociology Gnm 1st Year Syllabus



Definition, nature, and Scope of Sociology; Its Relationship With the Other Social Sciences; Use of Sociology for Nurses.



Review of human growth & the developments; the process of socialization, the responsibility & individual right in a democratic society.


The Family

Definition, characteristics, types, basic needs, of the family; family cycle, marriage types, Aspects of medical & Sociology of the Marriage.



Definition & meaning of Society; social groups- structure & types, intergroup relationship, group cycle, group morale, & group behaviour. Social control, social stratification.


The Community

  1. Community
  2. Culture and Characteristics of the Communication.

Fundamentals of Nursing Gnm 1st Year Syllabus


Introduction to Nursing

Meaning, Concepts, Definition, scope, functions & history of Nursing in India; Nursing as a profession, Ethics in the Nursing roles and the responsibilities of a Nurse, holistic nursing care, health, and disease.


Nursing care of the patient

Patient Environment in hospital; patients unit. Therapeutic environment– physical factors, Patient’s adjustments to the hospitals- basic skills, nursing process.


Meeting the Basic Needs of the patients

Physical Needs: Rest, comfort, exercise, sleep, importance, and promotion; lifting, transferring, and moving the body machine.

Hygienic Needs—Environmental and personal hygiene; nurses’ roles maintain environmental and personal hygiene; care of eyes, hair, nose, skin, mouth, and ears; care of pressure areas and bedsores.

Elimination Needs– Problems: constipation, retention, diarrhoea & incontinence of urine, health, sickness, Nurse’s role in meeting elimination needs; Observing & recording the abnormalities;

Nutritional Needs: Diet in health and disease, the factors affecting nutrition in illness, Diet planning and serving, and Feeding the helpless patient, including artificial methods of feeding.

Care for terminally ill and the dying patient: Dying patient’s signs & the various symptoms needs of dying patient & the family; Nursing care of the dying- Medico-legal issues, care of dead bodies, unit; Autopsy, embalming.


Assessment of the patients

Physical Assessment:– principles, Importance, Height, Weight, posture,& methods of the assessment; Head-to-the-toe examination.

Physiological Assessment– a). Vital signs, abnormal, & normal, characteristics, & the factors influencing variations. b). Observation & collection of the specimens- urine, stool, vomitus, & sputum.

Psychological Assessment: Intelligence, Normal, Abnormal Behaviour, Mood, & Emotions.


Infection control: Nature of the infection, Chain of the infection transmissions, Defence against infection- a) Natural & acquired; Hospital-acquired infection ( the Nosocomial infection).

Concept of asepsis: Medical & surgical asepsis, Barrier nursing, Isolation precautions, Hand washing, Personal protective types of equipment, types of uses, & the techniques of wearing & removing.


Therapeutic Nursing Care

a) Care of patients with respiratory problems/dyspnea, Care of the patient with altered body temperature, Hot & cold Applications, unconscious patients, Electrolyte imbalance & Care of patients with Fluids


Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology

Administration of medication, Purposes of medication, Routes of administration, Rights, special considerations, prescriptions, The Factors influencing drug actions. Oral drug administration.

Parental:- Types of the parental therapies, canula, syringes, infusion sets, & needles; injuries and giving the medication with a safety syringe

Routes of parental therapies:- Purposes, the procedure, site equipment, and the special considerations in giving subcutaneous, intradermal, and intramuscular.

Advanced techniques:- epidural intrathecal, intrapleural, intraosseous, & the intraarterial, intraperitoneal, Role of the nurse

Topical administration: The procedure, purposes site, equipment, and special considerations for applications to the skin and the mucous membrane.

First Aid gnm 1st Year Syllabus


Introduction to First Aid

Definition, Aims, & Importance of First Aid, Rules or General Principles of the First Aid, The Concept of an Emergency.


Procedures and Techniques in First Aid

First-aid Kit preparation, Transportation of injured, Bandaging, Dressing, and the splitting Breast binder, Abdominal binder; Cardiopulmonary resuscitation( CPR) of mouth to mouth; CPR of Sylvester, Schafer.


First Aid in Emergencies

Drowning, Asphyxia, and Shock, Injuries to Muscle, Joints, falls, sprains, Bones- fractures, strains, and Wounds & Bleeding, Burns, Poisoning-Inhalation, & bites, Foreign body in the ear, eye, throat, & nose


Community Emergencies & Community Resources

Earth-Quakes, Fires, floods, Explosions, famines, Rehabilitation, Roles of the Nurses in disaster management, Community Resources

Community Health Nursing Gnm 1st Year Syllabus


Introduction to Community Health

Definitions: Community, community health nursing, & Community Health, Basic Concepts of Health & the disease, Primary health care, History of Community Health in India, Promotion & maintenance of health.


Community Health Nursing

Philosophy, concept, objective, and goal of Community Health Nursing, Qualities and Function of the Community Health Nurses, Steps of the Nursing Process: Community identification,


Health Assessment

The characteristics of a healthy individual, Health assessment of adults, postnatal women, antenatal women, and elderly, Health assessment of an infant, Preschool, school-going, and adolescent’s health assessment.


Principles of Epidemiological & Epidemiology Methods

Definition & the aim of epidemiology, The Communicable & Non-Communicable diseases, Essential tools of measurement in epidemiology, Immunization, Immunizing agent, Control of infectious diseases,


Family Health Nursing Care

Family as a unit of the health, Concept, object, and goal of health, Family health care services, Family health records, Family health care plan & the Nursing Process.


Family Health Care Settings Home Visit:

Principles and purpose, Planning and evaluation, Bag technique, Clinic: Types, Purposes, and functions of clinics.


Referral System

Levels of the health care and the Health care settings, Referral services available, Steps in the referral, & Role of a nurse in the referral.


Records and reports

a) Uses and types, b) The Essential requirements of records and reports, c) Preparation and Maintenance


Minor Ailments

Principles of management; management as per standing orders/instructions

Environmental Hygiene Gnm 1st Year Syllabus


1. Introduction to hygiene

  • Component of the environment
  • The importance of a healthy environment


Environmental Factors Contributing to the Health

Water:- Characteristics & sources of safe water, Use of water, The Rain-water harvesting, Acquired impurities Water pollution, Water Purification, Natural Water pollution, Waterborne disease.

Air:- Composition of the air, Airborne disease, Uses of safety Measurement

Waste:- Refuse –sewage, excreta, & garbage, & Health hazards, Waste management- Collection of the waste, transportation & disposal of the waste.

Housing:- Types, Town Planning, Location, Basic amenities, The Characteristics of good housing

Ventilation:- Standard and type of ventilation

Lighting:- Good lighting Requirements, Natural & artificial lighting, Uses solar energy

Noise:- Sources of Noise, the effect of the noise pollution, Community of Noise level, Noise controls measure

Arthropods:- the housefly, rat fleas, sandflies, Mosquitoes, rodents, ticks, and human louse, Control measures


Community organizations to promote environmental health

Types and Levels of agencies:- Local, State, and National, Government voluntary, Social agencies; Acts regulation of environmental hygiene.

Health Education & Communication Skills Gnm 1st Year Syllabus


Communication Skills

Definition, principle, types, process, importance, and communication purposes, Barriers in communication, Establishment of successful communication, Observing & the listening Skills


Health Education

Definition, aims, Concepts, and objectives of health education, Principles, Methods, Process of the modification/ changes. Opportunities and scopes for health education in community and hospitals, role of nurses in health education.



Definition, principles, types, scope, and purpose of counselling, Counselling process:- Steps and techniques of counselling, Difference between counselling and health education, Nure’s role in Counselling.


Methods and Media of Health Education

Definition, Types, the purpose of audiovisual aids and media, reparation, Selection, and uses of audio-visual aids, The Preparation of a health education plan

Nutrition GNM 1st Year Syllabus



Meaning of Nutrition, food, and Nutrients, The Factors affecting Nutrition, Food Habits and the custom, The Relation of Nutrition to Health


Classification of food

Classification by origin:- Food of plants origin & food and animals origin

Classification by the chemical composition and sources:- Proteins, Fats, Carbohydrates, Minerals, Water, Vitamins.

Classification by the predominant functions:- Body-building, Protective & Energy giving food

Classification by nutritive value:- Cereals & millets, Vegetable, Fruits, Pulses & legumes, Fats and oils, Nuts and oilseeds, Animal food, Condiments and spices, Sugar and jaggery, Miscellaneous foods.


Normal Dietary Requirements

Energy: Determination and factors affecting- Body Mass Index, Basal metabolic Rate

Balanced Diets: Nutritive value of food, The calculation for the different categories of people, The Normal food requirements calculation, Menu plan, The combination of the foods that affects and enhances the nutritive value of the diet; Food allergy.


Food Preparation, Preservation & Storage

Principles of cooking, the effect of cooking, and methods of cooking on food and various nutrients, Safe food handling; Methods of food preservation; Food:– Cooke and raw, Household and commercials.


Therapeutic Diet

Diet modifications to the surgical and medicals conditions of the individual such PEM, Diabetes, Gouts, Cardio-Vascular disease, Obesity, gastrostomy, Renal, & Hepatitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS),

Special diet: Low sodium diet, Fat-free diet, A diabetic diet, bland diet, High protein diet, low protein diet, Iron-rich diet, Soft diet and the high fibre dietetic, A liquid diet and a semi-solid diet.


Community Nutrition

Nutritional problems and the programs in India, commercially prepared, Community food supply, food hygiene, and the grown food available locally;

National and international food agencies:- The Central Food Training Research Institute (CFTRI), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), and Food Safety and Standard Authority of India.


Preparation of diet / practical

Beverages:- Juice, lassi, shakes, hot and cold, soups, barley water

Egg preparation:– egg flip, scramble, Omlet, poached egg

Light diet:- boiled vegetables, porridges, dahlia, khichari, kanji, gruel, salads, and custards, Low-cost high nutrition diets-chikki, multigrain roti

GNM 1st Year Syllabus best book & Author

Our team mentioned 1st year books and authors that help students with their studies. Vijayam publication books are helpful for all nursing students, This publication made their books according to the INC syllabus.

Books NameAuthor
Anatomy & PhysiologyKaarna Muni Sekhar
MicrobiologyKaarna Muni Sekhar
Fundamental of NursingManinder Kaur & Lakhwinder Kaur
First aidS S Randhawa & Neelam Kumari
Community Health Nursing-IS.Bhagyalakshmi
Environmental HygieneS S Randhawa
Health education & Communication SkillsS S Randhawa
NutritionDarshan Soni

GNM 1st year syllabus related some FAQ

Nursing Sathi provides a few questions & answers to help students to clear concepts about gnm nursing.

What are the subjects in GNM’s 1st year?

According to the INC syllabus, gnm first Year syllabus pdf has 10 subjects. These are the subjects mentioned below.
1. Anatomy & Physiology.
2. Microbiology
3. Psychology
4. Sociology
5. Fundamentals of Nursing
6. First aid
7. CHN-I
8. Environmental Hygiene
9. Nutrition

10. Health Education & Communication Skills

What is GNM’s full form?

The full form of GNM nursing is General Nursing & Midwifery. This course is 3 years with 6 months internship. After completing this course students have many options to build their careers and can choose a job or go for higher Study.


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