Nursing is a reputed career field in India. BSc nursing 1st Year syllabus helps you to gain knowledge about anatomy & physiology, microbiology, biochemistry, and psychology.
This article provides complete information about the syllabus of the BSc nursing 1st year.
BSc Nursing is a four-year graduate course, so you need proper information about BSc nursing before pursuing this course.

B.Sc Nursing Syllabus 2025 PDF Download
The latest BSc Nursing 1st Year syllabus includes both theoretical and practical parts
Topic Name | Syllabus in PDF |
B.Sc Nursing 1st year Syllabus | Click here to Download |
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BSc Nursing 1st year Curriculum
Nursing Subjects | Study Hours |
English | 60 |
Anatomy | 60 |
Physiology | 60 |
Nutrition | 6030 |
Biochemistry | 265+200 |
Nursing Foundations & Practical | 60 |
Psychology | 60 |
Microbiology | 45 |
Computers | 30 |
Total Hours | 930 |
BSc Nursing 1st Year Subjects & Topics
Here we have provided a complete list of BSc nursing first-year subjects. This subject list is the same as the Inc syllabus.
Anatomy for Bsc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus
Unit-:1Introduction to Anatomical terms of the human body:
- Human Cell Structure.
- Tissues–
- Definition, Types, classification, characteristics, location, functions, and formation
- Membranes and glands-
- classification and structure
Unit-:2 The Skeletal System
- Bones –Structure and types, Axial & Appendicular Skeleton,
- Bone formation and growth
- Description of bones
- Joints – Classification and structure
Unit-:3 The Muscular System
- Types and structure of muscles
- Muscle group alterations in disease applications in nursing.
Unit-:4 The Nervous system
- Structure of Neurologic & Neurons
- Somatic Nervous system
- Structure of brain, spinal nerves, spinal cord, peripheral nerves & cranial nerves.
- Autonomic nervous system- sympathetic, parasympathetic
- Structure & location
Unit-:5 The Sensory System
- Structure of skin, nose, eye, tongue, and ear, (Auditory and olfactory apparatus)
- Alterations in disease
- Applications and Implications in Nursing
Unit-:6 Circulatory and lymphatic system
- The Circulatory System
- Blood – Microscopic structure
- Structure of Heart
- Structure of blood vessels- Venous & Arterial System,
- Circulation: systemic, coronary & the pulmonary
- Lymph, Lymphatic System & Lymphatic vessels
Unit-:7 The Respiratory System
- Structure of organs of respiration
- Muscles of respiration: Intercostals and Diaphragm
- Alterations in disease
Unit-:8 The Digestive System
- Structure of the Alimentary tract and the accessory organs of digestion.
- Alterations in disease
- Applications and Implications in Nursing
Unit-:9 The Excretory System(Urinary)
- Structure of organs of the urinary.
- System: Kidney, urethra, ureters, urinary bladder, the structure of the skin.
- Alterations in disease
Unit-:10 The Endocrine System
- Structure of Pituitary, Thyroid, Pancreas, Adrenal, Parathyroid, and thymus glands
- Alterations in disease
- Applications and Implications in Nursing
Unit-:11 The Reproductive System including the breast
- Structure of female reproductive organs
- Structure of male reproductive organ
- Structure of breast
- Alterations in disease
Physiology for Bsc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus
This Subject is specially included in the Bsc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus to help students gain knowledge of the physiology of the human body system & understand the adjustment in physiology in disease.
Unit-:1 Cell Physiology
- Tissue – formation, repair
- Membranes & glands –functions
- Alterations in disease
- Applications and Implications in Nursing
Unit-:2 Skeletal System
- Bone formation and growth
- Bones – movements & function of bones of the appendicular and axial skeleton, bone healing.
- Joints and joint movement
- Alterations in disease
Unit-:3 Muscular System
- Muscle movements, levels, Muscle tone & maintenance of posture
- Physiology of muscle contraction,
- Alterations in disease
Unit-:4 Nervous System
- Functions of Neuralgia & Neurons
- Stimulus & Nerve-
- Impulse Definitions & Mechanism
- Functions of the brain, spinal cord, spinal and cranial nerves.
- Cerebrospinal fluid- Function and composition circulation.
- Reflex arc, reflex action & reflexes
- Autonomic functions –
Unit-:5 Circulatory System
- Blood formation, blood groups, composition, blood coagulation.
- Haemoglobin: Synthesis, estimation, Structure and breakdown, Variation of molecules.
- Functions of Heart, Conduction, and cardiac cycle,
- Circulation – Principles and factors influencing BP, pulse, and control.
- Alterations in disease
- Application and implications in nursing.
Unit-:6 The Respiratory System
- Functions of the respiratory organs.
- Physiology of respiration
- Pulmonary Ventilation & Volume
- Mechanics of respiration
- Gaseous exchange in lungs
- Carriage of oxygen & carbon dioxide.
- Exchange of gases in tissues
- Regulation of respiration
- Alterations in disease
- Applications and Implications in Nursing
Unit-:7 The Digestive System
- Functions of organs of the digestive tract. Movements of the alimentary tract,
- Digestion in mouth, small intestines, stomach, Large intestines, Absorption of food.
- Functions of the Pancreas, gall bladder & Liver
- Metabolism of carbohydrates, protein & fat
Unit-:8 The Excretory System
- Functions of kidneys, urethra, ureters, & urinary bladder.
- Composition of urine
- Mechanism of urine formation
- Function of skin
- Regulation of body temperature
- Fluid and electrolyte balance
- Alteration in disease
- Application and Implication in Nursing
Unit-:9 The Sensory Organs
- Functions of skin, nose, tongue, eye & ear.
- Alteration in diseases
- Application and Implication in Nursing.
Unit-:10 The Endocrine System
- Functions of Pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pineal body, thymus, pancreas, Suprarenal, Placenta and ovaries & Testes
Unit-:11 The Reproductive System
- Reproduction of cells- DNA, Mitosis, Meiosis, Spermatogenesis & oogenesis
- Functions of female reproductive
- Organs; Functions of breast & Female sexual cycle.
- Introduction to embryology
- Functions of male reproductive organs, male fertility system & male function in reproduction.
Unit-:12 Lymphatic and Immunological System
- Circulation of lymph
- Immunity:
- Formation of B-cells and T-cells
- Types of Immune response
- Antigens and Cytokines
- Antibodies
Nutrition for Bsc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus
- Nutrition:
- History
- Concepts
- Role of nutrition in maintaining health.
- The nutritional problem in India
- National nutritional policy
- Factors affecting foods and Nutrition:
- Role of food and its medical value.
- classification of foods
- Food Standards
- Elements of Nutrition:– Micro-elements and macro elements.
- Caloric value
Unit-:2 Carbohydrates
- Classifications
- Caloric value
- Function
- Recommended daily allowance dietary sources.
- Digestion, absorption, storage & metabolism of carbohydrates
- Multinutriiton: Deficiencies and overconsumption.
Unit-:3 Fats
- Classification
- Function
- Caloric value
- Dietary sources
- Recommended daily allowances
- Digestion, absorption, storage & metabolism.
- Malnutrition: Deficiencies and overconsumption.
Unit-:4 Proteins
- Classification
- Function
- Caloric value
- Dietary sources
- Recommended daily allowances
- Digestion, absorption, storage & metabolism.
- Malnutrition: Deficiencies and overconsumption.
Unit-:5 Energy
- Unit of Energy- Kcal
- Energy requirements of the different categories of people
- Measurements of energy
- Body Mass Index (BMI) and basic metabolism.
- Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)- Determination and factor affection.
Unit-:6 Vitamins
- Classification
- Dietary sources
- functions
- Recommended daily allowance
- Synthesis, absorption, storage, metabolism & excretions.
- Deficiencies
- Hypervitaminosis
Unit-:7 Mineral
- Classification
- Dietary sources
- functions
- Recommended daily allowance
- Synthesis, absorption, storage, metabolism & excretions.
- Deficiencies
- Overconsumption and toxicity
Unit-:8 Water & Electrolytes
- Water:
- Daily requirements
- Regulation of water metabolism
- Distribution of body water.
- Electrolytes: Types, sources & composition of body fluids.
- Maintenance of fluids & Electrolytes balance.
- Overhydration, dehydration & water intoxication
- Electrolytes imbalances.
Unit-:9 Cookery Rules & Preservation of Nutrients
- Principles, methods of cooking and serving.
- Preservation of nutrients
- Safe Foods handling – toxicity
- Storages of food.
- Food Preservations, foods additives & its principles.
- Prevention of foods adulteration Act (PFA)
- Foods standards
- Simple beverage preparation and different types of food.
Unit-:10 Balance Diet
- Elements
- Foods Groups
- Recommended Daily Allowance
- Nutritive value of foods
- For different categories of people, balanced diets are calculated.
- Budgeting of food
- Planning the menu
- Introduction to therapeutic diets:– Naturopathy – Diet
Unit:- 11 Nurse Role in Nutritional Programme
- National Program Related to Nutrition
- Vitamin A deficiency program.
- National Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) program.
- Mid-day meal program
- Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS)
- Agencies of International & National working toward food/nutrition
- Nutrition education & role of the nurse.
Biochemistry for Bsc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus
Biochemistry Syllabus
Unit:-1 Introduction:
- Definition and significance in nursing
- Review of composition, structure & function of the cell.
- Prokaryote and Eukaryote cell organization
- Microscopy
Unit:- 2 Structure & Functions of Cell Membrane:
- Fluid mosaic model tight junction & cytoskeleton.
- Transport, mechanism:
- diffusion, filtration, osmosis, active.
- Channel, sodium pump.
- Acid-base balance maintenance & diagnostic test.
- PH buffers
Unit:- 3 Composition & Metabolism of Carbohydrates
- Structure, Types, composition & uses of carbohydrates:
- Monosaccharide,
- Disaccharides,
- Polysaccharides,
- Oligosaccharides.
- Metabolism:
- Regulation of blood glucose level. Investigations and their Interpretations.
Unit:- 4 Composition & Metabolism of Lipids
- Structure, types, composition & uses of fatty acids:
- Nomenclature, Roles and postaglandins.
- Metabolism of fatty acid :
- Metabolism of triacylglycerols
- Cholesterol Metabolism :
- Biosynthesis and its Regulation:
- Bile salts and bilirubin
- Vitamin – D
- Steroid hormones
- Biosynthesis and its Regulation:
- Lipoproteins and their Functions:
- VLDLs – IDLs, LDLs and HDLs
- Transport of lipids
- Atherosclerosis, Investigations and their interpretations.
Unit:- 5 Composition and Metabolism of Amino Acids & Proteins
- structure, types, composition & uses of amino acids and proteins.
- Metabolism of amino acids & proteins:
- Metabolism of Nitrogen
- Investigations and their Interpretations
Unit:- 6 Composition and Vitamins & Minerals
- Vitamins and minerals
- Structure
- Classification
- Properties
- Absorption
- Storage and transportation
- Normal Concentration
- Investigations and their Interpretations
Unit:- 7 Immunochemistry
- Immune response.
- Structure and classification of immunoglobins.
- Mechanism of antibody Production.
- Antigens: HLA typing
- Free radicals & antioxidants.
- Specialized Protein:
- Electrophoretic and Quantitative & determination of immunoglobins, ELISA, etc.
- Investigations and their Interpretations
Nursing Foundations for Bsc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus
Nursing Foundations
Introduction, Nursing as a profession, hospital admission and discharge, Communication and Nurse patient relationship, The Nursing Process, Documentation and Reporting, Vital signs.
Health assessment, Machinery, Equipment & linen, Meeting needs of the patient, Hygiene, Physiological needs, Nutrition, Urinary Elimination, Bowel Elimination, Mobility and Immobility, Oxygenation, and Fluid.
Acid-base balances & electrolytes, Biomedical Waste Management, Administration of Medication, Routes of parenteral therapies.
Psychology for Bsc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus
Unit:-1 Introduction:
- History of the science of psychology
- Origin of the science of psychology
- Definitions and scope of psychology
- Relevance to Nursing
- Methods of Psychology
Unit:- 2 Biology of Behaviour:
- Body Mind relationships – of modulation process in Health.
- Genetics & behaviour: Heredity and environment
- Brain & Behavior: Neurons, synapse & Nervous system.
- Association Cortex, Rt & Lt Hemispheres
- Psychology of Sensations
- Muscular and glandular controls of behaviour.
- Nature of behaviour of organisms & incorporated responses.
Unit:- 3 Cognitive Processes:
- Attention: Types, Duration, determinants, & Degree, alterations
- Perception: – Meaning, Principles, factors affecting, errors
- Learning Nature: – Theories, Types, learner & learning, factors influencing, laws & process, transfer, study habits
- Memory: – Nature, meaning, types, factors influencing, development theories methods of memorizing and Forgetting
- Thinking: – Types and levels, Relationships with language & communication
- Intelligence: – Meaning, Classification, Uses, theories.
- Aptitude: –
- Psychometric assessments of cognitive, Processes.
- Alterations in cognitive processes
- Applications
Unit:- 4 Motivation and Emotional Processes:
- Motivation: Meaning, Types, Concepts, Conflict & frustration, Theories, Motives & behaviour, conflict resolution.
- Emotions & Stress, Emotion:
- Stress: Stressor, cycle, effect, adaptation & Coping
- Attitudinal Change
- Psychometric assessments of emotions and attitudes.
Unit:- 5 Personality:
- Definitions, topography, factors affecting personality, types, theories
- Psychometric assessments of personality.
- Alterations in personality
- Applications
Unit:- 6 Developmental Psychology:
- Psychology of people from infancy to old age.
- Psychology of weakened individuals – women, Challenged & sick.
- Psychology of groups.
Unit:- 7 Mental hygiene and mental health:
- Concepts of mental hygiene and mental health.
- Characteristics of a mentally healthy person.
- Warning signs of poor m mental health.
- Ego Defense Mechanisms and Implications.
- Personal and social adjustments.
- Guidance and Counseling
- Role of nurse
Unit:- 8 Psychological assessment & tests:
- Types of psychological assessment.
- Principles of psychological assessment.
- Development & Characteristics of psychological assessment.
- Uses of psychological assessments
- Interpretations
- Role of the nurse in psychological assessment.
Microbiology for Bsc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus
- Importance and relevance to nursing
- Historical Perspective
- Concepts and terminology
- Principles of microbiology
Unit:-2 General characteristics of Microbes
- Structure and classification of Microbes.
- Morphological types.
- Size and form of bacteria.
- Motility
- Colonization Growth and nutrition of microbes:
- Laboratory methods for Identification of Micro-organisms.
- Staining Techniques, Gram staining,
- Acid-fast staining & Hanging drop preparation
- Culture: Various Media
Unit:-3 Infection Control
- Infection: Sources Portals of entry transmission & exit.
- Asepsis
- Disinfection: Types and methods.
- Sterilization: Types and Methods.
- Chemotherapy and antibiotics.
- Standard safety measures.
- Hospital infection control program
- Protocols, collection of samples, preparation of report and status of the rate of infection in the unit/ hospital nurses accountability, continuing education, etc.
Unit:-4 Pathogenic organisms:
- Micro-organisms :
- Cocci – gram-positive and gram-negative
- Bacilli – gram-positive and gram-negative
- Spirochaete
- Chlamydiae
- Rodents & vectors Characteristics, Source, Portal of entry, the transmission of infection.
Unit:-5 Immunity:
- Immunity – Types, Classification
- Antigen and antibody reaction.
- Hypersensitivity – skin test
- Serological tests
- Immunoprophylaxis :
- Vaccines & sera–
- Immunization for various diseases
- Immunization Schedule
BSc Nursing 1st Year Books Pdf
Nursing is an extensive field, and there is a great deal of material to cover in the syllabus. Beyond the 1st Year Syllabus, many books will help you to prepare for exams, & find success as a nurse.
Books | Author |
Anatomy & Physiology | Kaarna Muni Sekhar |
Nutrition & Biochemistry | Alphonse Mary |
Microbiology | Dr. J Patricia Raj Kumari |
Psychology | K. Madhabi |
Nursing Foundation | K.kusuma |
BSc Nursing 1st year Exam Pattern
This exam pattern is also provided in the BSc Nursing 1st year syllabus, download this syllabus at the above link.
Subject | Subject | In+Ex | Total |
Anatomy & Physiology | 3 | 25+75 | 100 |
Nutrition & Biochemistry | 3 | 25+75 | 100 |
Nursing Foundation | 3 | 25+75 | 100 |
Psychology | 3 | 25+75 | 100 |
Micro-biology | 3 | 25+75 | 100 |
English | 3 | 25+75 | 100 |
Computer | 3 | 25+75 | 100 |
Nursing Foundation Practical | 3 | 100 | 200 |
BSc Nursing 1st year Question Paper
The previous year’s question paper on the BSc Nursing 1st year syllabus is provided here. The question paper will help a lot of the students to get an idea about the questions that will be asked in the exams.
The students can also get an idea about the marking scheme from the previous year’s nursing question paper.
1. Anatomy BSc Nursing 1st year 2022 Question Paper 2. Physiology BSc Nursing 1st year 2022 Question Paper
3. Nutrition BSc Nursing 1st year 2022 Question Paper
4. Biochemistry BSc Nursing 1st year 2023 Question Paper
5. Psychology BSc Nursing 1st year 2022 Question Paper
6. Nursing foundation BSc Nursing 1st year 2022 Question Paper
7. Microbiology BSc Nursing 1st year 2022 Question Paper
BSc Nursing First Year Practical
The BSc nursing course is aimed at helping students to gather knowledge, understanding & skills in techniques of nursing & practice them in clinical settings.
BSc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus has only one practical which is Nursing Foundation. This practical syllabus has merged with this BSc nursing 1st Year syllabus pdf.
BSc Nursing Exam Preparation- 5 Tips
- Know the Exam Pattern– The first thing before you curate a strategy for yourself is to understand the Nursing Exam Pattern.
- Understand the syllabus– The second important step of exam preparation is to understand & visualize the syllabus.
- Study Material– Choosing the best material is the next step in preparing for the exam.
- Revision– Revision is the ultimate key to getting good marks. Unpromising revision & practice will help you to gain extreme over the concepts of Subjects.
KUHS BSC Nursing 1st Year Syllabus
BSc nursing 1st Year Syllabus of Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS) including this subject as mentioned below. You will get the BSC Nursing 1st Year Syllabus from the above link.
1. Anatomy
2. Physiology
3. Microbiology
4. Biochemistry
5. Nutrition
6. Psychology
7. Sociology
8. Nursing Foundation
9. English
10. Introduction to Computers
11. Library work / Self-study
12. Co-curricular Activities
BSc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus Blueprint
BSC Nursing 1st Year Syllabus is critical from the fresher’s point of view. Most students don’t know how many subjects are in 1st year. Here we have provided the BSc Nursing 1st Year Syllabus blueprint or the PDF download link above the article.
BSC Nursing 1st Year Syllabus All information is available on our website We have attached the previous year’s question paper, Books, exam patterns, etc.
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