B Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus Pdf Free For Nursing Students

If you are searching syllabus for BSc nursing then, the article helps you a lot. It isn’t easy to find the b sc Nursing 2nd year syllabus pdf which is made according to the syllabus.

This syllabus includes both theoretical and practical like Sociology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology & Environment Science, etc. You can access to download the b.sc nursing syllabus 2025 pdf from below.

B Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus Pdf
B Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus Pdf Free For Nursing Students
Topic NameSyllabus in PDF
B Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus PdfClick Here To Download

To provide better insights into this course here is an article that sheds light on the B Sc Nursing 2nd Year syllabus pdf & the topics you will Study in BSc nursing in the second year.

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BSc Nursing 2nd Year Course Curriculum

Nursing SubjectsStudy Hours
Medical-Surgical Nursing-I210
Medical-Surgical Nursing- I Practical720
Community Health Nursing- I90
Community Health Nursing-I Practical135
Communication Educational Technology60+30

B Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus Pdf Subjects

Subjects NamesTopics names
SociologyIntroduction, Individual and Society, Culture, Social groups & processes, population, Family & Marriage, Social Stratification, Types of communities in India ( Rural, Urban & Regional), Social changes, Social organization & social system, Social control & social problems.
PharmacologyIntroduction to pharmacology, Chemotherapy, pharmacology commonly used antiseptics, disinfectants & insecticides, Drugs acting on G.I systems, Drugs used on the respiratory system, urinary system, skin, mucous membrane, Hormonal disorder, contraception, & medical termination of pregnancy, Drugs action on Nervous system, Cardiovascular drugs, Alternative system of medicine.
Pathology & GeneticsIntroduction, Individual and Society, Culture, Social groups & processes, population, Family & Marriage, Social Stratification, Types of Communities in India ( Rural, Urban & Regional), Social changes, Social organization & social system, Social control & social problems.
Medical-Surgical Nursing-IIntroduction, Common signs symptoms, & management, Nursing management of the patients with respiratory problems, Digestive system, blood, & Cardiovascular system, Genitourinary problems, Reproductive system, Disorders of the endocrine system, Integumentary system, Musculoskeletal problems, Immunological problems, Perioperative Nursing
Community Health Nursing-iIntroduction, Determinants of Health, Epidemiology & nursing management of common communicable diseases, Viral, Epidemiology and nursing management of Noncommon infectious diseases, Demography, Population, & its control.
Communication & Education TechnologyReview of Communication Process, Interpersonal relations, Human relations, Guidance & Counselling, Principles of education and teaching-learning Process, Methods of Teaching, Educational Media, Assessment, Information, Education, Communication for Health (IEC)

Semester Wise B Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus Pdf Subjects

Only for students helping in their study, we have divided the syllabus into two parts to provide semester-wise BSc Nursing 2nd year syllabus subjects.

BSc Nursing 3rd semester syllabusBSc Nursing 4th semester syllabus
*Applied Microbiology & Infection Control including Safety

*Pharmacology I, Pathology I

*Medical-Surgical Nursing- I, pathophysiology

*Professional values & ethics including bioethics
*Pharmacology II
*Pathology II & Genetics
*Adult Health Nursing II including Geriatric Nursing with integrated pathophysiology

*Educational Technology/ Nursing Education

BSc Nursing Second Year Best Books & Notes

We have selected some best books that help you to batter your scores in your exam. These books are made using easy language that will clear your basic concepts.

Nursing booksBest Author
SociologyNeelam Kumari
Pathology & GeneticsPathology Dr. Imtiyaaz WaniGenetica Dr. S.S Randhawa
PharmacologyDr. PP Singh Uppal
Communication & Educational TechnologyBhuttar Neelam Kumari
Medical Surgical Nursing-IDevinder Kaur
Community Health Nursing-INeelam Kumari

Practical Subjects of B Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus Pdf

B.Sc Nursing 2nd Year medical surgical nursing syllabus & Community Health Nursing-I Practical syllabus are designed to increase the efficacy of skills in natal, rendering nursing care during antenatal & postnatal period in hospital.

B Sc nursing 2nd Year syllabus PDF has two practical subjects- 1. Medical-Surgical Nursing-I Practical, 2. Community Health Nursing-I Practical

Nursing 2nd Year Complete Study material

Are you a second-year student? Are you searching for the best study material like notes, syllabus pdf, & books? Then you came to the right website. Nursing Sathi is the best website for study material for nursing students

ANM, GNM & BSc Nursing all study materials will be available soon on our website.

BSc Nursing 2nd Year Exam Pattern

Pathology, Genetics325+75100
MSN- I325+75100
MSN-I (P)100200

Nursing Exam Preparation 5 Ways

Understand the syllabus– The first & most important part before preparing for any exam is to understand the syllabus.

Exam Pattern:– The next important things are understood in the exam pattern like how many questions are asked from which part & what number of questions.

Study Material- always choose easy or try to make your notes for the study that will offer heavy benefits for the exam. For easy, simplest & handwritten notes go to the Nursing Sathi website.

Revision– Revision is the best key to getting good marks in exams. After completing any topic or questions try to write down what increases your brain’s capacity for remembering.

What are the Subjects in 2nd Year BSc Nursing?

B Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus PDF including all subjects like sociology, Genetics, Pharmacology, pathology, Medical surgical nursing-I, community health nursing-I & Communication & Educational Technology.

KUHS 2nd Year BSC Nursing Syllabus

KUHS B Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus Pdf including all subjects that are mentioned below, kush bsc nursing syllabus almost same as inc provided syllabus.

1. Medical Surgical Nursing-I (Adult and Geriatrics)
a. Medical Nursing
b. Pathology
2. Medical Surgical Nursing-I (Adult and Geriatrics)
a. Surgical Nursing
3. Community Health Nursing-I
4. Pharmacology
5. Library work / Self-study
6. Co-curricular Activities


B Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus PDF All information is available on our website Nursing Sathi.com. We have attached the Books and writer name, exam patterns, etc.

If our efforts touch your heart then please share this site among your friends. If have any queries regarding this post “B Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus Pdf Free For Nursing Students” don’t forget to comment below in the comments section

5 thoughts on “B Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus Pdf Free For Nursing Students”

  1. Thank you for sharing the B Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus PDF! This resource is incredibly helpful for keeping track of the subjects and topics we need to focus on. I appreciate the effort you put into making this available for us nursing students!

  2. Thanks for sharing the B Sc Nursing 2nd Year syllabus PDF! It’s incredibly helpful to have all the information in one place. Looking forward to applying this knowledge in my studies!

  3. Thank you for sharing the B Sc Nursing 2nd Year Syllabus PDF! It’s really helpful to have all the information in one place as I prepare for my studies. Looking forward to more resources like this!


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