Gnm nursing first Aid notes pdf is available for the 1st Year on this website. The first aid nursing pdf is made according to the syllabus.
If you are a good reader, you can take full advantage of these notes in your exams. Lots of the students achieved good marks following these First aid notes.
Some students are searching for the first aid lecture notes pdf, but they can’t easily get all the first aid notes together for that reason Nursingsathi provides all notes in a single post.

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Topic-Wise download First Aid Notes PDF For Nursing Students
Only a few of the nursing websites offer unit-wise first aid notes pdf. Of these websites, is one of the best websites. It covered pdf notes unit-wise for all subjects.
Unit-I |
Introduction to First AID |
Click Here to Download |
Unit-II |
Procedures and Techniques in First Aid |
Click Here to Download |
Unit-III |
First Aid in Emergencies |
Click Here to Download |
Unit-IV |
Community Emergencies & Community Resources |
Click Here to Download |
Unit-V |
First AID Notes For Nursing Students PPT
Here we have shared PPT Notes for GNM 1st-year Students which covered all the topics according to the syllabus of Gnm first-year.
First Aid
- Introduction
- Definition of first-aid
- The objective of the first-aid/guiding principle
- Physiology of first-aid
- Importance of First Aid
- Principle of emergency care
- Golden Role of First Aid
- Content of first aid kid
First Aid in Emergencies
- Asphyxia
- Drowning
- Suffocation by Poisonous Gase
- Hanging, Strangulation and the Throttling
- Shock
- Fainting
- Wound
- Haemorrhage/Bleeding
- Bandaging
- Purpose of bandage
- Rules for applying roller bandage
- The pattern used in bandaging
- Nose bleeds/Epistaxis
Broken Bones and Fracture
- Fracture
- Types of fracture
- Splints
- Injuries to the soft tissues
- Spinal injury
- concussion
- Seizures
- Hypothermia
Frost Bite
- Definition
- Causes and Prevention
- Signs and symptoms
- Heat Emergencies
- Cause
- Treatment
- Cause
- Symptoms/signs
- management
- Definition
- Causes
- Prevention
Emergency Childbirth
- Definition
- Causes
- Symptoms
Heart Attack
- Definition
- Symptoms
- Management
- Definition
- Symptoms
- Management
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- Airway
- breathing
- Circulation
- About compression
- Two-Rescuer CRP
- Definition
- Four routes of poisoning
- Ingested Poisons
- Inhaled/Breathed Poisons
- Injected Poisons
- Absorbed Poisons
- The common household poisons that can harm babies and children
Bites and Stings
- Symptoms
- Treatment
Snake Bite
- Treatment
- Prevention
Insect Bite
- Symptoms
- Treatment
- Prevention
Scorpion Bite
- Symptoms
- Treatment
- Prevention
Dog Bite
- Symptoms
- Management
Cat Bite
- Symptoms
- Management
Rat Bite
- Symptoms
- Management
Ticks and mites Bite
- Symptoms
- Management
Spider Bite
Symptoms; Management, Leech Bite, Fish Stings, Foreign particles in the eye, Foreign particles in the year, Foreign particles in the Nose, Foreign particles in the Skin, Foreign particles in the throat(choking)
- symptoms
- Treatment
- Steps to unconscious choking
- Airway
- Breathing
- Circulation
- Steps to unconscious choking Child/adult
- Unconscious choking infant
Some FAQs Related to First Aid
What is a First Aid Short Note?
First aid is the first and immediate response given to any person suffering from a serious illness or minor injury, with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, or promote recovery.
What is the Role of the Nurse in First Aid?
Our first aid nurse preserves life & gives initial emergency care & treatment to people who are sick or injured. Protect unresponsive/ unconscious people, Prevent the condition of the victim from worse and Promote the victim’s recovery.
What is the First thing a Nurse Does in Case of an Emergency?
In case, you are alone, perform first aid, shout for help and then find someone to call 911. Also, remember the ABCDs in giving first aid: Check the victim’s Airway, Breathe, perform CPR (if necessary)/ Control major bleeding and Defibrillate, if available.
How do you do basic first aid in case of an emergency?
Always, apply four main steps systematically during any emergency: First–Make sure there is no danger to you & the victim. Check response –if the person is asleep or unresponsive–Shake, Call and Shout. Seek help–call for help if you’re alone but don’t leave the person unattended.
Why is first aid important in emergency cases?
First-Aid provides the toolbox to prevent the situation from becoming worse. In some cases, if patients don’t receive immediate basic first aid, then the situation will deteriorate rapidly. If you Can provide basic care you can stabilize a patient until emergency medical services arrive.
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nice site
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