The BSc nursing first Year psychology notes pdf is very important for the fresher students. They faced many problems understanding the language of the book and didn’t know how to get the psychology 1st Year notes PDF.
But don’t worry here we have provided the unit-wise nursing psychology handwritten notes pdf in easy language.
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BSc Nursing First Year Psychology Notes PDF Download Free in 2025
Psychology in Nursing refers to the study of human behaviour and mind. That is related to the nursing study. Psychology is the branch of nursing that focuses on the psychological characteristics of health, illness and how to treat patients.
How to pass first-year BSC nursing?
1. At first make Notes every day in easy language. 2. Read notes every day or revise them at least per week. 3. If any difficulty occurs in preparing notes, download these from our website Nursingsathi and study them. 4. Discuss with your friends what you learn. 5. Solve the previous year’s question paper. 6. Clear your doubts or confusion by watching YouTube videos or getting help from your friends.
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