Medical Surgical Nursing I is a vital subject in bsc nursing 2nd Year syllabus. So unit-wise notes are essential to cover all the syllabus.
But dear learners don’t worry, medical surgical nursing notes pdf are made according to the syllabus and are freely available for you.
All unit notes of medical-surgical nursing are downloaded from the section below. Reading these notes thoroughly is very important for an upcoming nursing exam.
Unit-Wise Download BSc 2nd Year Medical Surgical Nursing I Notes PDF
You can access second-year BSc Nursing MSN notes, that are written in simple and easy language and available for reading and downloading in PDF format.
This introduction to medical-surgical nursing notes pdf covered Concepts of health, the role and responsibilities of a nurse in medical-surgical settings; the classification of diseases, etc.
Nursing management of patients with blood & cardiovascular Problems
Coming Soon
Nursing management of patients with genito-urinary Problems
Coming Soon
Disorders of the Male Reproductive System
Coming Soon
Nursing management of patients with disorders of the Endocrine System
Coming Soon
Patients with disorders of the Integumentary system
Coming Soon
Nursing management of patients with Musculoskeletal Problems
Coming Soon
Nursing management of patients with Immunological Problems
Coming Soon
Nursing management of patients with Communicable Diseases
Coming Soon
Unit- XIII
Peri-Operative Nursing
Coming Soon
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